Air quality is one of the most important things in any interior. Whether you’re relaxing at home or working in the office, you expect to breathe fresh, clean air as you go about your business. Low air quality is not always noticeable, but even when you can’t detect it, it’s often bad for your health and detrimental to your standard of living. If you want to preserve your health and optimize your comfort, you should take a look at this quick guide on air quality monitors and their benefits.
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The Best Indoor Air Quality Monitor for Your Home
There are many VOC monitors on the market, so you might not know where to start. After all, you work hard for your money, so you don’t want to waste it on an inferior product that might put your health and comfort at risk. Luckily, the Aqara TVOC Air Quality Monitor delivers quality, functionality, and accuracy at an affordable price. Aside from just measuring air quality, the Aqara TVOC Air Quality Monitor also measures humidity and temperature, making it super easy to optimize your indoor comfort. Moreover, with its large display, precise readings, long-term data tracking, and other great features, you can get more out of your monitor. To top it all off, the Aqara TVOC Air Quality Monitor consumes so little energy that the battery typically lasts more than a year before it needs to be replaced.
Compatibility With Popular Home Automation Hubs
The Aqara TVOC Air Quality Monitor doesn’t have to work alone. Aqara TVOC Air Quality Monitor has been specifically designed to integrate with smart home systems to make climate control easier than ever. It’s compatible with Google Home, Alexa, Apple HomeKit, and many other smart home automation systems, and integrating it with any system is as easy as opening a program and pressing a button.
What Can the Aqara TVOC Air Quality Monitor Do if It Detects VOCs?
Do you like hot showers? While a steamy shower may be comfortable, it can build up a lot of humidity in your bathroom. Luckily, if you’ve integrated your Aqara TVOC Air Quality Monitor with your Aqara smart hub, or a compatible smart home system, it can be set up to engage your bathroom’s ventilation system before your home becomes humid. If it’s a bit hot inside, then the Aqara TVOC Air Quality Monitor could activate your AC unit to keep your home cool and comfortable at all hours. Furthermore, the Aqara TVOC Air Quality Monitor can be configured to turn on your AC’s ventilation mode if it detects high levels of VOCs. Thanks to the Aqara TVOC Air Quality
How Do Air Quality Monitors Work?
You may not know it, but there are tons of invisible particles in the air. Some of the more harmful particles are known as volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Air quality monitors work by measuring the level of VOCs in the air. If there are more VOCs within your home or office, then there is a high chance that your health may be in danger.
What Are VOCs?
You know that VOCs aren’t good for you, but what are they? What compounds might be considered VOCs? Do all VOCs have the same effects? VOCs come from common solids or liquids within structures are also present in a lot of cleaning solutions and paint-related items. They come in the form of small particles in the air and are often invisible. VOCs enter the air as certain products and items break down. Still, not all VOCs have a strong scent, so you may have harmful VOCs in your home without any obvious signs.
Common Sources of VOCs in Homes and Offices
Freezers, refrigerators, air conditioners, dehumidifiers, and other common appliances contain Freon and other harmful refrigerants. These refrigerants are supposed to remain sealed within the components of an appliance. However, age, cracks, and general wear and tear can cause a refrigerant leak. If your appliances are making a lot of noise or aren’t working properly, then you may be dealing with a refrigerant leak. While refrigerants aren’t as toxic as other VOCs, you should still take a malfunctioning appliance very seriously.
Fuels and Vehicle Fluids
Gasoline, propane, butane, antifreeze, and similar gases and fluids can be very dangerous to inhale. Moreover, such items typically pose a fire hazard. You should make sure that all gases and vehicle fluids remain properly sealed and safely stored, and they should be kept in a ventilated area outside of the home.
Plywood and Treated Wood Products
Plywood, particle board, and treated wood products often release formaldehyde and other VOCs over time. This is especially true in fire-retardant and water-resistant products. You may want to replace furniture and other items constructed with treated wood products when they are old or show visible wear and tear. Also, if you heat your home with a fireplace or wood stove, then it’s a good idea to avoid burning treated wood products.
Varnishes, Lacquers, and Paints
Varnishes, lacquers, and paints are typically found on furniture and many other household items and fixtures. When exposed to high temperatures, they may release high levels of VOCs. Moreover, they release more VOCs right after application. Thus, if you’ve painted the walls or furniture in a room, then you should leave the windows open and run a fan for a few days to prevent VOCs from building up within your home.
Health Impacts of VOCs
Because there are usually so many different kinds of VOCs in a standard structure, people who are exposed to VOCs can develop a wide variety of health problems after prolonged exposure. Long-term effects of contact with VOCs include liver damage, kidney damage, problems with the nervous system, recurring headaches, dizziness, cognitive decline, lung cancer, and more. Not only are these conditions deadly or debilitating, but they can also be extremely expensive to treat. Thus, by installing an effective VOC monitor, you can protect your health and avoid serious medical debt.
Some symptoms of exposure are instantly noticeable. The most common short-term symptoms include shortness of breath, burning eyes, coughing, throat irritation, fatigue, headache, nausea, and more. Typically, the VOCs that cause these symptoms will carry an unpleasant order, but that’s not always the case. Thus, it’s always a good idea to exit any area where you experience any of these symptoms. If these symptoms result in prolonged pain or persist after vacating the area, then you should see a medical professional immediately.